
This is the documentation for a development version of pushover_complete.

Documentation for the Most Recent Stable Version


pushover_complete adheres to the Semantic Versioning (“Semver”) 2.0.0 versioning standard. Details about this versioning scheme can be found on the Semver website. Versions postfixed with ‘-dev’ are currently under development and those without a postfix are stable releases.

Changes as of 6 April 2018

1.1.1 <6 April 2018>

  • HOTFIX for 1.1.0
  • Fix Python versions badge in the documents index
  • Add the Python 3.6 classifier in setup.py so the right versions are shown on PyPI

1.1.0 <6 April 2018>

  • Add image attachment support (Pulls #5 and #9)
  • Officially add support for Python 3.6
  • Officially deprecate support for Python 3.5. It will be removed in the next major version release.
  • Change default tox environment for Python 3 to py36
  • Refactored .travis.yml to be more concise and use the new py environment specification (Pull #8)
  • Some refactoring in the main API (more list comprehensions yay!) (Pull #6)
  • Several small documentation changes/refinements

1.0.2 <23 December 2016>

  • “Add” Python 3.6 support. It’s not in Travis as an allowed failure and didn’t require any code changes to pass!
  • Fix a major bug with the receipt cancel API. I was using a GET request instead of a POST
  • Stop using the releases Sphinx plugin for the changelog. Its philosophy didn’t match well with mine
  • Update release procedure based on no longer using releases
  • Some minor documentation fixes

1.0.1 <10 May 2016>

  • Officially add Python 2.7 support and add testing for it to tox and Travis
  • Numerous updates to documentation and README, etc. to make them prettier and more useful

1.0.0 <9 May 2016>

  • Implementation of methods for the Pushover messages, sounds, users, receipt, subscriptions, groups, and licenses APIs
  • Documentation and build process