Welcome to pushover_complete

pushover_complete is a Python package for interacting with all aspects of the Pushover API.

To learn more about Pushover and the Pushover API, please visit the Pushover Website, https://pushover.net.

>>> from pushover_complete import PushoverAPI
>>> p = PushoverAPI('azGDORePK8gMaC0QOYAMyEEuzJnyUi')  # an instance of the PushoverAPI representing your application
>>> p.send_message('uQiRzpo4DXghDmr9QzzfQu27cmVRsG', 'Your toast is finished.')  # send a message to a user

That’s all you need to get started with sending Pushover notifications from your Python program. The majority of Pushover’s API endpoints are accessible via pushover_complete. Check out the API Reference to see how.

On this page:


Installation should be as easy as executing this command in your chosen terminal:

$ pip install pushover_complete

The source code for this project is hosted on Github. Downloading and installing from source goes like this:

$ git clone https://github.com/scolby33/pushover_complete
$ cd pushover_complete
$ pip install .

If you intend to install in a virtual environment, activate it before running pip install.

pushover_complete officially supports Python 2.7 and 3.5. Currently, Python 3.3 and 3.4 pass all tests and function properly as well, but this could change: these versions are not officially targeted by development. Support for Python 2.x may be dropped in the future, but only in a major version update (e.g. 1.x.y → 2.x.y) and this change will be announced well in advance.

See Installation for further information about installing pushover_complete in all manner of ways.


pushover_complete emerged from my frustrating experience with a number of only partially-complete Pushover packages. It is my goal to fully support all of Pushover’s API endpoints in this package, beginning with the most essential ones and working from there. The current status of progress towards this goal is tracked in the roadmap.

API Reference

Information about each function, class, and method is included here.


pushover_complete is an open-source project and, so far, is mostly a one-person effort. Any contributions are welcome, be they bug reports, pull requests, or otherwise. Issues are tracked on Github.

Check out Contributing for more information on getting involved.

License Information

pushover_complete is licensed under the MIT License, a permissive open-source license.

The full text of the license is available here and in the root of the source code repository.


This package is not written by or associated with Superblock, the creators of Pushover. The use of the name “Pushover” in the package name is authorized per Superblock’s attribution rules. See the logos section of the Pushover website for more information.


pushover_complete adheres to the Semantic Versioning (“Semver”) 2.0.0 versioning standard. Details about this versioning scheme can be found on the Semver website. Versions postfixed with ‘-dev’ are currently under development and those without a postfix are stable releases.

The current version of pushover_complete is 1.0.1.

Full changelogs can be found on the Changelog page.