Source code for pushover_complete.pushover_api

import io
import os

import requests

import six
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin

from .error import BadAPIRequestError

    from pathlib import Path
except ImportError:
    from pathlib2 import Path


[docs]class PushoverAPI(object): """The object representing an application interacting with the Pushover API. Instantiated with a Pushover application token. All API calls made via that instance will use the provided application token. :param token: A Pushover application token :type token: str """ def __init__(self, token): self.token = token
[docs] def _generic_get(self, endpoint, url_parameter=None, payload=None, session=None): """A method for abstracting GET requests to the Pushover API. :param endpoint: The endpoint of the API to hit. Will be joined with "". Example value: "groups/{}.json" :param url_parameter: A parameter to replace in the endpoint string provided. Example value: "g123456". Combined with the above example value, would result in a final URL of "" :param payload: A dict of parameters to be appended to the URL, e.g. :code:`{'test-param': False}` would result in the URL having :code:`?test-param=false` appended. Do not include the application token in this dict, as it is added by the function. :param session: A :class:`requests.Session` object to be used to send HTTP requests. :type endpoint: str :type url_parameter: str :type payload: dict :type session: requests.Session :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ if payload is None: payload = {} payload['token'] = self.token get = session.get if session else requests.get resp = get( urljoin(PUSHOVER_API_URL, endpoint.format(url_parameter)), data=payload ) resp_body = resp.json() if resp_body.get('status', None) != 1: raise BadAPIRequestError('{}: {}'.format(resp.status_code, ': '.join(resp_body.get('errors')))) return resp_body
[docs] def _generic_post(self, endpoint, url_parameter=None, payload=None, session=None, files=None): """A method for abstracting POST requests to the Pushover API. :param endpoint: The endpoint of the API to hit. Will be joined with "". Example value: "groups/{}.json" :param url_parameter: A parameter to replace in the endpoint string provided. Example value: "g123456". Combined with the above example value, would result in a final URL of "" :param payload: A dict of parameters to be appended to the URL, e.g. :code:`{'test-param': False}` would result in the URL having :code:`?test-param=false` appended. Do not include the application token in this dict, as it is added by the function. :param files: (optional) A dict of ``'attachment': value`` for attachment to the message. ``value`` may be a file-like object, or a tuple of at least ``('filename', file-like[, 'content_type'[, custom_headers_dict]])``. The optional 'content_type' string describes the file type and custom_headers_dict is a dict-like-object with additional headers describing the file :param session: A :class:`requests.Session` object to be used to send HTTP requests. :type endpoint: str :type url_parameter: str :type payload: dict :type files: dict{str, file-like} or dict{str, tuple(str, file-like[, str[, dict]])} :type session: requests.Session :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ if payload is None: payload = {} payload['token'] = self.token post = if session else resp = post( urljoin(PUSHOVER_API_URL, endpoint.format(url_parameter)), data=payload, files=files ) resp_body = resp.json() if resp_body.get('status', None) != 1: raise BadAPIRequestError('{}: {}'.format(resp.status_code, ': '.join(resp_body.get('errors')))) return resp_body
[docs] def _send_message(self, user, message, device=None, title=None, url=None, url_title=None, image=None, priority=None, retry=None, expire=None, callback_url=None, timestamp=None, sound=None, html=False, session=None): """The internal function used to send messages via the Pushover API. Takes a ``session`` parameter to use for sending HTTP requests, allowing the re-use of sessions to decrease overhead. Used to abstract the differences between :meth:`PushoverAPI.send_message` and :meth:`PushoverAPI.send_messages`. Feel free to call directly if your use case isn't fulfilled by the more public methods. :param user: A Pushover user token representing the user or group to whom the message will be sent :param message: The message to be sent :param device: A string or iterable representing the device(s) to which the message will be sent :param title: The title of the message :param url: A URL to be included with the message :param url_title: The link text to be displayed for the URL. If omitted, the URL itself is displayed. :param image: The file path pointing to the image to be attached to the message or a file-like-object representing the image data. :param priority: An integer representing the priority of the message, from -2 (least important) to 2 (emergency). Default is 0. :param retry: How often the Pushover server will re-send an emergency-priority message in seconds. Required with priority 2 messages. :param expire: How long an emergency-priority message will be re-sent for in seconds :param callback_url: A url to be visited by the Pushover servers upon acknowledgement of an emergency-priority message :param timestamp: A Unix timestamp of the message's date and time to be displayed instead of the time the message is received by the Pushover servers :param sound: A string representing a sound to be played with the message instead of the user's default :param html: An integer representing if HTML formatting will be enabled for the message text. Set to 1 to enable. :param session: A :class:`requests.Session` object to be used to send HTTP requests. Useful to send multiple messages without opening multiple HTTP sessions. :type user: str :type message: str :type device: str or list :type title: str :type url: str :type url_title: str :type image: str, pathlib.Path, pathlib2.Path (only in Python 2), or file-like :type priority: int :type retry: int :type expire: int :type callback_url: str :type timestamp: int :type sound: str :type html: int :type session: requests.Session :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ payload = { 'user': user, 'message': message, 'device': device, 'title': title, 'url': url, 'url_title': url_title, 'priority': priority, 'retry': retry, 'expire': expire, 'callback': callback_url, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'sound': sound, 'html': html } if image is not None: # if it's a str or a pathlib.Path, open it if isinstance(image, six.string_types) or isinstance(image, Path): with open(image, 'rb') as f: attachment = {'attachment': f} return self._generic_post('messages.json', payload=payload, session=session, files=attachment) # otherwise, assume it's a file-like (no good way to test that in both Python 2 and 3...) else: attachment = {'attachment': image} return self._generic_post('messages.json', payload=payload, session=session, files=attachment) return self._generic_post('messages.json', payload=payload, session=session)
[docs] def send_message(self, user, message, device=None, title=None, url=None, url_title=None, image=None, priority=None, retry=None, expire=None, callback_url=None, timestamp=None, sound=None, html=False): """Send a message via the Pushover API. :param user: A Pushover user token representing the user or group to whom the message will be sent :param message: The message to be sent :param device: A string or iterable representing the device(s) to which the message will be sent :param title: The title of the message :param url: A URL to be included with the message :param url_title: The link text to be displayed for the URL. If omitted, the URL itself is displayed. :param image: The file path pointing to the image to be attached to the message or a file-like object representing the image data. :param priority: An integer representing the priority of the message, from -2 (least important) to 2 (emergency). Default is 0. :param retry: How often the Pushover server will re-send an emergency-priority message in seconds. Required with priority 2 messages. :param expire: How long an emergency-priority message will be re-sent for in seconds :param callback_url: A url to be visited by the Pushover servers upon acknowledgement of an emergency-priority message :param timestamp: A Unix timestamp of the message's date and time to be displayed instead of the time the message is received by the Pushover servers :param sound: A string representing the sound to be played with the message instead of the user's default. Available sounds can be retreived using :meth:`PushoverAPI.get_sounds`. :param html: An integer representing if HTML formatting will be enabled for the message text. Set to 1 to enable. :type user: str :type message: str :type device: str or list :type title: str :type url: str :type url_title: str :type image: str, pathlib.Path, pathlib2.Path (only in Python 2), or file-like :type priority: int :type retry: int :type expire: int :type callback_url: str :type timestamp: int :type sound: str :type html: int :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ return self._send_message(user, message, device, title, url, url_title, image, priority, retry, expire, callback_url, timestamp, sound, html)
[docs] def send_messages(self, messages): """Send multiple messages with one call. Utilizes a single HTTP session to decrease overhead. :param messages: An iterable of messages to be sent. Each item in the iterable must be expandable using the ``**kwargs`` syntax with the keys matching the parameters of :meth:`PushoverAPI.send_message`. :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: list[dict] """ sess = requests.Session() return [ self._send_message(session=sess, **message) for message in messages ]
[docs] def get_sounds(self): """Get the current list of supported sounds from the Pushover servers. :return: A :class:`dict` of sounds, with keys representing the identifier and values a human-readable name. :rtype: dict """ return self._generic_get('sounds.json').get('sounds')
[docs] def validate(self, user, device=None): """Validate a user or group token or a user device. :param user: A Pushover user or group token to validate :param device: A string representing a device name to validate :type user: str :type device: str :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ payload = { 'user': user, 'device': device } return self._generic_post('users/validate.json', payload=payload)
[docs] def check_receipt(self, receipt): """Check a receipt issued after sending an emergency-priority message. :param receipt: The receipt id :type receipt: str :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ return self._generic_get('receipts/{}.json', receipt)
[docs] def cancel_receipt(self, receipt): """Cancel a receipt (and thus further re-sends of the message). :param receipt: The id of the receipt id to be cancelled :type receipt: str :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ return self._generic_post('receipts/{}/cancel.json', receipt)
[docs] def _migrate_to_subscription(self, user, subscription_code, device=None, sound=None, session=None): """The internal function to migrate a user key to a subscription key. Takes a ``session`` parameter to use for sending HTTP requests, allowing the re-use of sessions to decrease overhead. Used to abstract the differences between :meth:`PushoverAPI.migrate_to_subscription` and :meth:`PushoverAPI.migrate_multiple_to_subscription`. Feel free to call directly if your use case isn't fulfilled by the more public methods. :param user: The user key to migrate :param subscription_code: The subscription code to migrate the user to :param device: The user's device that the subscription will be limited to :param sound: The user's preferred sound :param session: A :class:`requests.Session` object to be used to send HTTP requests. Useful to send multiple messages without opening multiple HTTP sessions. :type user: str :type subscription_code: str :type device: str :type sound: str :type session: requests.Session :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ payload = { 'user': user, 'subscription': subscription_code, 'device_name': device, 'sound': sound } return self._generic_post('subscriptions/migrate.json', payload=payload, session=session)
[docs] def migrate_to_subscription(self, user, subscription_code, device=None, sound=None): """Migrate a user key to a subscription key. :param user: The user key to migrate :param subscription_code: The subscription code to migrate the user to :param device: The user's device that the subscription will be limited to :param sound: The user's preferred sound :type user: str :type subscription_code: str :type device: str :type sound: str :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ return self._migrate_to_subscription(user, subscription_code, device, sound)
[docs] def migrate_multiple_to_subscription(self, users, subscription_code): """Migrate multiple users to subscriptions with one call. Utilizes a single HTTP session to decrease overhead. :param users: An iterable of messages to be sent. Each item in the iterable must be expandable using the ``**kwargs`` syntax with keys matching ``user`` and, optionally, ``device`` and ``sound``. Compare to :meth:`PushoverAPI.migrate_to_subscription`. :param subscription_code: The subscription code to migrate the user to :type subscription_code: str :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ sess = requests.Session() resps = [] for user in users: resps.append(self._migrate_to_subscription(session=sess, subscription_code=subscription_code, **user)) return resps
[docs] def group_info(self, group_key): """Retrieve information about a delivery group. :param group_key: A Pushover group key :type group_key: str :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ return self._generic_get('groups/{}.json', group_key)
[docs] def group_add_user(self, group_key, user, device=None, memo=None): """Add a user to a group. :param group_key: A Pushover group key :param user: The user key to be added to the group :param device: A string representing the device name to add to the group :param memo: A memo to store with the user's group membership (max 200 characters) :type group_key: str :type user: str :type device: str :type memo: str :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ payload = { 'user': user, 'device': device, 'memo': memo } return self._generic_post('groups/{}/add_user.json', group_key, payload)
[docs] def group_delete_user(self, group_key, user): """Remove user from a group. :param group_key: A Pushover group key :param user: The user key to remove from the group :type group_key: str :type user: str :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ payload = { 'user': user } return self._generic_post('groups/{}/delete_user.json', group_key, payload)
[docs] def group_disable_user(self, group_key, user): """Temporarily disable a user in a group. :param group_key: A Pushover group key :param user: The user key to disable :type group_key: str :type user: str :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ payload = { 'user': user } return self._generic_post('groups/{}/disable_user.json', group_key, payload)
[docs] def group_enable_user(self, group_key, user): """Re-enable a user in a group. :param group_key: A Pushover group key :param user: The user key to enable :type group_key: str :type user: str :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ payload = { 'user': user } return self._generic_post('groups/{}/enable_user.json', group_key, payload)
[docs] def group_rename(self, group_key, new_name): """Change the name of a group. :param group_key: A Pushover group key :param new_name: The new name for the group :type group_key: str :type new_name: str :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ payload = { 'name': new_name } return self._generic_post('groups/{}/rename.json', group_key, payload)
[docs] def assign_license(self, user_identifier, os=None): """Assign a Pushover license to a user. :param user_identifier: A Pushover user key or email identifying the user to assign the license to :param os: An OS to limit the license. Available options are :code:`Android`, :code:`iOS`, or :code:`Desktop` :type user_identifier: str :type os: str :returns: Response body interpreted as JSON :rtype: dict """ payload = { 'os': os } if '@' in user_identifier: payload['email'] = user_identifier else: payload['user'] = user_identifier return self._generic_post('licenses/assign.json', payload=payload)